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Contacts of Medical Specialists

         Okelo G.B.A. (Prof.)               Patel, Surendra (Dr)               Simani, L. Philip (Dr)
         The Nairobi Hospital, New Consulting Room  Dinesh Chandaria Medical Centre, Ground   MB ChB, M. Med, Cert. CTD, MPH (EPI)
         Arwings Kodhek Road                Floor, M.P. Shah Hospital, Shivachi Road  The Nelson Awori Centre, 5th Floor Suite 5A,
         Tel: 0733-743213                   Tel: 020-3742422, 0700-718875      Ralph Bunche Road
         E-mail:                                        P.O. Box 291 Langata 00517
                                            Radia, Rohit G. (Dr)               Office Mobile: 0708-480217
         Okudo Achalo (Dr)                  The Nairobi Hospital
         Corner House Medical Centre        Laboratory Building, 2nd  Floor, Room 204  Mobile: 0718-770775
         Buruburu Phase 4, Mumias Road      Argwings Kodhek Road               Email:
         Mobile: 0721-260978                Mobile: 0722-830814, 0706-622595,
                                            0737-324994                        Sub-Speciality: Rheumatology
         Omonge Enoch (Dr)                  Email:       Swati,  Das (Dr)
         Kenyatta National Hospital         Rono, K. John (Dr.)
         Doctors Plaza, Suite No. 34        5th Avenue Office/Suite 18 Building,   MBBS, MRCP (Lon) MD, FRCP
         Tel: 020-2726300 Ext 44319         3rd Floor, 5th Ngong Avenue,       Aga Khan University Hospital,
         Mobile: 0721-562033                Ngong Road                         Doctors’ Plaza 1st Floor Room 129
         E-mail:         Mobile: 0722-289752, 0776-087500   3rd Parklands Avenue
                                                                               P.O. Box 2628, Nairobi 00202
         Omu Anzala (Dr)                    Ruguru Nyaga Thuo (Dr)             Tel: 020-3662718
         Kenyatta National Hospital         Kenyatta National Hospital         Off. Mobile: 0733-977571, 0707-369198
         Doctors Plaza Suite 59             Doctors’ Plaza, Suite No. 55       Mobile: 0736-292299
         Tel: 020-2726300 Ext. 44126        Tel: 020-2726300 Ext. 44320        Email:
                                            Mobile: 0729-980410      
         Onyango Ayo (Dr)                   Saha, Hemant (Dr)                  Sub-Speciality: Respiratory Medicine / Chest
         G.A Insurance House, 1st Floor     Aga Khan University Hospital       Physician
         Tel: 0725-478510                   Doctor’s Plaza, 3rd Floor,         Tesfaledet, Gebregiorgis (Dr)
                                            Room 303 - 305                     Aga Khan University Hospital
         Oraya J.O (Dr)                     Tel: 020-3662725                   Doctors’ Plaza, 5th Floor ; Room 534
         Kenyatta National Hospital         Mobile: 0733-635577, 0739-270174   3rd Parklands Avenue
         Doctors Plaza Suite 18             E-mail:      Tel: 020-3662746
         Mobile: 0733-734056                                                   Mobile: 0722-519813
                                            Said Mauro (Dr)                    Email:
         Osano B Ombaba (Dr)                The Nairobi Hospital, Room 109
         Fortis Children Heart Clinic       Doctors Plaza 1st Floor, Arwings Kodhek Rd  Toroitich K (Dr)
                                            Tel: 020-2846341
         Opp Nairobi Club                   Mobile: 0734-517972                Bruce House 3rd Floor, Standard Street
                                                                               Tel: 020-2224426
         Mobile: 0716-638252, 0722-646720   E-mail:   E-mail:
                                            Saio Mauro (Dr)                    Twahir Ahmed (Dr)
         Otieno A. Harun (Dr)               Nairobi Hospital, Doctors Plaza, Room 109  Parklands Kidney Centre
         Africa Heart Associates            Tel: 020-2846341                   Parklands Mediplaza, 2nd Floor
         Aga Khan University Hospital       Tel: 0734-517972, 0718-043412      Opp Aga Khan University Hospital
         Doctors Plaza, 2nd Floor Room 201  E-mail:  3rd Avenue Parklands
         3rd Parklands Avenue                                                  Tel: 0723-889612
         Mobile: 0733-641457, 0733-137149   Shah, Dhirane A. (Dr)              Mobile: 0720-895319
         Email:       Dinesh Chandaria Medical Centre,    Email:
                                            M.P. Shah Hospital, Ground Floor G7-8
         Owino, O. Bernard (Dr.)            Shivachi Road                      Wafula, J. Masika (Dr)
         Consultant Physician/Rheumatologist  Tel: 3742763 Ext. 319            Ben-Ammi Medical Centre
         Acacia Medical Centre              Mobile: 0773-409579, 0733-725441   NHIF Building, 2nd Floor, Upper Hill
         General Accident House, 1st Floor  0708-409579                        Mobile: 0733-752518, 0720-810844
         Ralph Bunch Road                   E-mail:      Email:
         Mobile: 0728-820209                                         
         Email:       Shah, Mahesh V. (Dr)

         Owino Edward (Dr)                  MB Ch B, M.Med                     Wairagu S. G. (Dr.)
                                                                               Medicare Wellness Centre(s) Ltd.
         Aga Khan University Hospital       Aga Khan University Hospital       Post Bank House, 3rd Floor
         Doctors Plaza, 3rd Floor ,Suite 324  Doctors Plaza, 1st Floor Room 103  Market street/Banda Street Junction
         Mobile: 0722-759881                3rd Parklands Avenue               Tel: 020-2220787, 2250083, 2251962
         E-mail:       P.O. Box 32004, Nairobi 00600      E-mail:
                                            Tel: 020-3743215
         Oyoo Omondi (Dr.)                  Sub-Specialisty: Hepatology /      Wala  Jonathan (Dr)
         Nairobi Arthritis Clinic           Gastroenterology
         Fortis Suites, 1st Floor Suites 10                                    MB. ChB(Uon), M.Med (Uon), Cert
         Hospital Road                      Sigilai William (Dr)               Nephology(SA)
         Mobile: 0727-935706, 0735-513816   Kenyatta National Hospital         CKIS Dialysis Centre Ltd
         Email:         Doctors Plaza, Suite No 5          Aga Khan University Hospital
                                            Nelson Awori Centre 4th Floor Wing A  Doctors Plaza 4th Floor Room 421/422
         Paresh, Kumar J. Patel (Dr)        Mobile: 0722-595170, 0700-433648   3rd Parklands Avenue
         Africa Heart Associates            E-mail:        P.O. Box 590, Nairobi 00517
         Aga Khan University Hospital                                          Tel: 020-3662735, 0790-602291
         Doctors Plaza, 2nd Floor Room 201  Silverstein, David M. (Dr)         Mobile: 0722-821514
         3rd Parklands Avenue               The Nairobi Hospital, 1st Floor
         Tel: 020-3742696                   Argwings Kodhek Road               Email:
         Mobile: 0733-641457, 0733-641457   Mobile: 0733-859637, 0721-260349
         Email:       Email:  Sub-Speciality: Nephrologist

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