Page 92 - KMD 2022-23 EDITION
P. 92

Chemistry Analyzer                            Haematology Analyzer

                                           Liasys  is a fully automatic random access,
                                           continuous  loading,  easy  access  benchtop
                                           Clinical Chemistry and Immunoturbidimetric   Mythic 60: True 5  Mythic 22 AL: Fully  Mythic 18: Fully
                                           analyzer |Up to 200 tests/hour analyzer.    Diff , 28 part   Automated 24 Part  Automated 20 part

                                                Spotchem EZ     Spotchem EL SE 1520    Ultrasound   EDAN DUS  60  is  an  impressive
                                              Chemistry Analyzer   Electrolyte Analyzer   new compact ultrasound system,
                                                                                          providing  superb  value  across  a
                                                                                          large  range  of  applications  with
           Contact us  for:  Blood Gas  Chemistry Analyzers                               its PW Doppler capabilities.
           (POCT)  |  Haematology  Analyzers  |  Coagulation                                  SAT 450 Fully Automatic,
           Analyzers | Electrolyte Analyzers | Chemistry Ana-                                 random  access,  continu-
           lyzers | Immune Analyzers  | Point of Care | Con-                                  ous  loading,  benchtop
           sumables | Microscopes | Rapid Kits  | Serology   Immunoassay Analyzer             open analyzer for Clinical
                                                           FIA Meter Plus - FS 113 : For      Chemistry  and  Immuno-
                                                           conditions  such    as    infec-  Chemistry Analyzer   turbidimetric assays.
                                                           tions,  diabetes,      cardiovas-
                                                           cular  diseases,    renal  injury   EMP 168: Chemistry Analyzer
                                                           and cancers,
                                                                                             For LIPID, RENAL, and LIVER
                      Microvision Enterprises Ltd is a                                       function tests.
                  duly registered private company in       Coag 2D| Coagulation Analyzer
               Kenya since the year 2008 with responsibili-                              A1Care™| HbA1c & ACR Analyzer
            ties  as  importers,  exporters  and  Suppliers  in   Versatile 2 Channel Coagulation
            medical equipment and related hospital supplies   Analyzer | SMALL compact design  |   Fast & Reliable results
                                                                                            HbA1c & ACR (Albumin/
            in  Kenya,  East  Africa  and  beyond.  As  a  key                           SUPPORTS  D-dimer and T-III test  |   Creatinine Ratio) test
            stockist and distributor of mainly laboratory and   READY for coagulation, chromogenic   All-in-one cartridge system
                                                           and turbidimetric tests
            other  categories  such  as  surgical,  medical
            equipment  and  laboratory  consumables  with  a
            vast  range  of  clients  from    private  clinics,                           ProLyte® Electrolyte Analyzer
            medium and large hospitals.                   i F l a s h  1800 | Immunoassay Analyzer   Fully  automated  Electrolyte
                                                                                           Analyzer  system  measuring
            We stand tall as the most preferred suppliers of   is  a  bench-top  solution  tailored  for
            hospital equipment and consumables in the East   clinical  labs.  With  less  outsourced   Na+,  K+,  Cl-  and  Li+  in  whole
            Africa region and beyond, with large clientele of   samples,  improved in-house controlled   blood, serum, plasma and urine
            very  satisfied  customers  that  we  share  mutual   quality and higher throughput.   utilizing Ion Selective Electrode
            benefit in business and as an organization.                                    (ISE) technology.

            As an organization we would relish working side
            by  side  with  organizations  serving  a  worthy   Microscope | Icon Magnus   Union Immune Analyzer
            course in the provision of the highest quality and                        Immunoassays | monotest | autoim-
            cost  effective  medical,  laboratory  and  research   Introducing  EpiLED the   munity infection; infectious; ToRCH; |
            equipment and solutions.                     new    reflected  fluores-   Rheumatoid; EBV; SLE; Systemic lupus
                                                         cence  microscope  attach-
                                                         ment with unique proprie-    erythematosus; thyroid; vasculitis;
                                                         tary  optical  illumination   pneumonia; antiphospholipids;
                                                         system  allowing  signifi-   gastroenterology;
                                                         cant  increase  in  perfor-
                                                         mance and cost reduction   PocketChem A1c   Bacti-Cinerator
                                                         making it an ideal device   Fast,  accurate   Sterilizer
                                                         for  routine  fluorescence   &  Simple  gly-  Sterilizes micro-
           MICROVISION ENTERPRISES LIMITED               application.                cohemoglobin   organisms utilizing
                1st Floor , Suite A01 Loipi Plaza,                                   analyzer  with   infrared heat pro-
                                                                                               duced by a ceramic
                Lunga Lunga Rd, Industrial Area,                                     design    core element.
                         Opp Leakey's Storage   Autoclove   Hospital Bed   Trolleys   O2 Concentrator   Blood Gas and Chemistry Analyzer
                        P.O. Box 54056-00200
                                                                                         Edan i15, is portable, easy to use

                Telephone : +254 (020) 2442631                                           POCT device specially designed for
                                                                                         critical cares, and performs a flexi-
                           +254 790  669 988                                             ble panel tests from a single dispos-
                              Nairobi, Kenya                                             able cartridge. Enables you to more
                                                                                         quickly and effectively monitor and

                                                                                         manage your patients.

                 Email:   Labpad   Vaccutainers  Stethoscopes   Xray Machines
                 Web :
                                              VivaChek Ino   Fastep HB   Thermo     BP
                                              Glucometer       meters   Machines

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