Page 5 - KMD 2022-23 EDITION
P. 5

outfit, NHIF must be reformed in order
             to  enjoy  the  confidence  of  the  all

            •  In  the    Manifesto,     the    new
             administration plans to establish

             Stakeholders-Managed Primary
             Healthcare (SPH) Fund            to
             accommodate the interest of
             all key players – Public, Private
             and      Faith-based      Health

            •  Also to be established is a

             National         Procurement
             Scheme to leverage on
             bulk purchase which will
             ensure transparency and
             accountability in the public                 The Captain and his 1st Officer
             procurement process.  This                      in the Flight Called Kenya

             will also end the KEMSA-like
            •  The new administration will work with the local pharmaceutical industry to address the
             tax regime and the cost of doing business, leverage on UHC to identify and scale up local
             pharmaceutical manufacturing of essential supplies as well as working towards a regional

             pharmaceutical manufacturing hub.
            •  The Manifesto further says the  new administration  is aware of the complaints by Health
             professionals who feel short-changed by the devolution of health services.  The Kenya Kwanza
             administration contends that this problem will be sorted out by establishing a Health Service
             Commission on the lines of the Teachers Service Commission and promised to have this
             matter resolved within 100 days of assuming office.
            •  The Ruto administration recognizes that Community Health is the bedrock of preventive
             healthcare and therefore this Manifesto provides that Community Health System will be
             better resourced to ensure better service delivery.

            •  The new administration also states that an elaborate state-of-the-art integrated information
             management system will be put in place to enable responsiveness and efficient seemless
             services leading to transparency and fraud prevention.
            •  The Kenya Kwanza Health Manifesto contains 14 Health Commitments through which the
             country will achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) within the shortest time possible.
            •  Now turn to Page 40 to get the details of the Health sector pledges of the new administration.

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