Page 36 - KMD 2022-23 EDITION
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Health News


                ine    million   people    worldwide    die   The 9 million annual deaths from pollution dwarf
                prematurely each year from pollution,  the 100,000 deaths from “interpersonal violence,”
         Nhaving been exposed to air, water, or soil  which includes war, murder and terrorism, and are
         contaminated with toxic substances.                  far higher than the 800,000 and 550,000 annual
                                                              deaths from HIV and malaria, respectively.
         According to a study published in journal  The
         Lancet Planetary Health, one in six deaths (16 per  Only smoking and second-hand smoke has a death
         cent) is directly attributable to pollution, making it  toll roughly on par with pollution, according to the
         the number one environmental risk factor in terms  study.
         of disease and premature death.
                                                              ‘Traditional   pollution’   associated   with   less-
         This is three times more than the number of  developed places — such as sewage in waterways
         deaths caused by AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria  that festers dangerous disease or wood-burning
         combined.                                            stoves inside homes — used to contribute to more
         The study is a product of the collaboration of some
         30  international  researchers  within  the  journal’s  The study shows that those threats have not
         “pollution and health” commission and attempts to  gone away, but today the biggest risk is “modern
         evaluate the global impact of all forms of pollution.  pollution,” which includes outdoor air pollution,
         This is the second edition of the report after its first  occupational exposure and lead.
         publication in 2017.
                                                              Countries  with  the  biggest  numbers  of  pollution-
         In an update of a 2015 estimate on premature  related deaths relative to their population are places
         deaths caused by pollution, the study said that  with growing economies where “modern” pollution
         data from the Global Burden of Diseases,  Injuries  is increasing and where “traditional” pollution still
         and Risk Factors Study 2019 (GBD) showed that  exists. That includes places like India, China, Nigeria
         pollution  “remains  responsible  for  approximately  and Pakistan.
         nine million deaths per year.”
                                                              The Executive Director of the Global Alliance on
         The Lancet study revealed that globally, air pollution  Health and Pollution Rachael Kupka, said the study
         - both ambient and household - was responsible  is significant for finding that traditional pollution is
         for 6.7 million deaths in 2019. Water pollution was  declining while modern pollution is “skyrocketing.”
         responsible for 1.4 million deaths and lead pollution  She hopes that governments globally — as well as
         caused 900,000 premature deaths.                     philanthropists — pay attention to the findings.

         It found that more than 90 per cent of pollution
         related deaths occurred in low and middle-income

         “The unfortunate truth about this is that pollution
         is bigger than most other public health problems
         out there and kills more people,” said Richard
         Fuller, who co-chairs The Lancet’s Commission on
         Pollution and Health.

         “These deaths are at a scale that people really don’t
         understand and because of that there hasn’t been
         that much attention to it”, he noted.                Polluted water source /Photo Freepik

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