Page 38 - KMD 2022-23 EDITION
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                ealth Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha Wafula,
                has taken over the reins of power at the Ministry
         Hof Health, pledging to continue building on the
         successes of her predecessor while improving on some
         areas to deliver quality health services to Kenyans.

         At 30, Nakhumicha is the youngest CS in President
         William Ruto’s cabinet.

         She is a Supplies Chain Management expert having
         worked in various organisations prior to her appointment.
         These organisations include, Mission for Essential Drugs
         and Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA)
                                                                                  CS Susan Wafula

             Council of Governors              The Senate Has Picked           facing   healthcare     workers,
           Health Committee Has a            Sen. Jackson Mandago as           reforms in the NHIF and
                   New Chair                Chair of Health Committee          Universal Health Coverage.

                                                                                  Endebess Member of
                                                                               Parliament is the National
                                                                               Chair of Health Committee

               H.E Muthomi Njuki                Sen. Jackson Mandago
               erved as Member of                ackson     Kiplagat    Arap
               Parliament for Chuka/             Mandago was Elected
         SIgambang’ombe              from   JSenator  of  Uasin  Gishu
         2013-2017     when     he    was   County after a full two term as
         elected  Governor  of Tharaka      Governor of the same county
         Nithi in 2017.                     2013-2022                                Dr. Robert Pukuse

         He is serving his second term                                                r. Robert Pukose has
         as Governor.                       A    graduate     of   Kenyatta           served         Endebess
                                            University    in   biochemistry   DConstituency               since
         Before venturing into politics     with additional post-graduate      2013.
         and business, Governor Njuki       training in procurement and
         was a high school teacher.
                                            strategic planning from the  Pukose is a surgeon from
         He is now heading this             Catholic University of Eastern  the University of Nairobi who
         powerful Health Committee          Africa, Senator Mandago  has  worked at various government
         at the Council of Governors        promised to throw his weight  hospitals  before he  ventured
         which deals with all issues                                           into politics.
         health in the 47 counties.         into sorting out challenges

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