Page 37 - KMD 2022-23 EDITION
P. 37

Health News


                                       HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS

                he  number  of  Kenyans  with  three  or  more  out-patient appointments impacting negatively on
                long-term conditions continues to grow  the economy.
          Tand the management of patients with
          multimorbidities is complex thus putting pressure  Evidence has shown that exercise and education can
          on the healthcare systems.                          improve outcomes and mitigate the progression of
                                                              many chronic diseases and is recommended in
          Multimorbidity, defined as the coexistence of two  guidelines for many single diseases, exercise-based
          or more chronic conditions, is a critical problem in  rehabilitation for people with multimorbidity may
          most healthcare systems and is common in clinical  have a role to play in addressing common symptoms
          practice.People  with such conditions  often visit  and risk factors for multiple chronic diseases, rather
          hospitals many times than the general population  than only focusing on management of one disease.
          and is associated with increase mortality.

                                                              The  African  Journal  of  Hospital  and  Scientific
          Although exact prevalence estimates depend  on  Medicine in a recent edition indicated that each
          the type and number of conditions considered in  and every detail about all other parts of the history
          the definition of multimorbidity, most experts agree  of the patient in front of the clinician are relevant
          that more than one in four adults have at least  and important.
          three chronic conditions  such diabetes mellitus,
          hypertension,  HIV/AIDS,  specific  organ-system  In clerking a new patient with presenting symptoms,
          failure, e.g heart, kidney, lung, liver or brain among  the emphasis must not necessarily be on the ‘chief
          others.                                             complaints’.

          Multimorbidity is a rising healthcare burden locally,  The majority, if not all, multimorbidities in a given
          and as a result, policy and lawmakers need to  patient will require simultaneous recognition and
          ensure that this complex population have access to  management.  At the very least, the clinician must
          evidence-based and sustainable interventions.       keep them in mind during the entire process of
                                                              clerking and management of a patient, including
          Kenya’s healthcare systems are largely designed to  physical examination, investigations, treatment and
          manage individual diseases or episodes of illness  follow-up.
          rather than patients with complex multiple health
          care needs.                                         Taking history is an important and strategic
                                                              moment of acquaintanceship between the two
          Many nations including Kenya are using huge  that the doctor should not squander.
          resources to increase the proportion of single-disease
          interventions instead of integrating multimorbidity  Often-times,  it  ends  up  influencing,  determining,
          interventions into existing healthcare systems to  directing and cementing patient compliance with
          support implementation and sustainability and to  the rest of the ‘doctor’s orders’.
          apply and build on the evidence regarding effective
          interventions for single diseases to people with  Paying  attention  to  the  patient’s  multimobidities
          multimorbidity.                                     adds to the over-all recovery and subsequent
                                                              wellness.  Without proper attention and care of the
          People with multimorbidity also have high rates of  patient, his or her treatment (however perfect) will
          emergency hospital admissions and attendance at  be incomplete, states the journal.

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