Page 50 - KMD 2022-23 EDITION
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Health Sector Statistics
           Operational Health Facilities by Level, Type and Ownership, 2017 -2021

           KEPH     Type of Health    Ownership           2017         2018         2019        2020       2021
           Level 1  Facility
           Level 2  Dispensary        MoH                 4,350        4,459       4,652        4,818      4,902
                                      Private              126          138          147         153        118
                                      FBO                  812          819          829         843        661
                                      NGO                   21           23           27          36         35
                    Sub-Total                             5,309        5,439       5,655        5,850      5,716
                     Medical Clinic   MoH                   11           13           14          20         31
                                      Private             3902         4,193       4,427        4,890      4,619
                                      FBO                   11           16           17          23         49
                                      NGO                  233          238          240         245        217
                     Sub-Total                            4,157        4,460       4,698        5,178      4,916
                     Stand Alone      MoH                   34           34           34          35         39
                                      Private              143          149          169         188        172
                                      FBO                   22           22           22          22         20
                                      NGO                   86           90           93          99         80
                     Sub-Total                             285          295          318         344        311
                     Total                                9,751       10,194      10,671       11,372     10,943
           Level 3   Medical Centre   MoH                    0            0           0            0          0
                                      Private              469          582          685         719        533
                                      FBO                    3            7           8            9         10
                                      NGO                   21           23           24          18         13
                    Sub-Total                              493          612          717         746        556
                    Health Centre     MoH                 1,023        1,028       1,039        1,093      1,109
                                      Private               11           12           13          14         15
                                      FBO                  201          202          204         214        192
                                      NGO                   37           37           39          47         33
                    Sub-Total                             1,272        1,279       1,295        1,368      1,349
                    Nursing Home      MoH                    0            0           0            0          0
                                      Private              214          249          286         226        358
                                      FBO                    5            5           5            5          4
                                      NGO                    8            9           10          10          6
                    Sub-Total                              227          263          301         241        368
                    Total                                 1,992        2,154       2,313        2,355      2,273
           Level 4  Primary Care      MoH                  353          354          356         357        365
                    Hospitals         Private              231          269          303         373        409
                                      FBO                  101          106          109         106        110
                                      NGO                   12           12           14          13         11
                    Total                                  697          741          782         849        895
           Level 5  Secondary Care    MoH                   13           13           13          13         13
                    Hospitals         Private                2            2           2            2          2
                                      FBO                    3            3           3            3          5
                                      NGO                    0            0           0            0          0
                    Total                                   18           18           18          18         20
           Level 6  Tertiary Referral  MoH                   6            6           6            6          6
                    Hospitals 2       Private                0            0           0            0          0
                                      FBO                    0            0           0            0          0
                                      NGO                    0            0           0            0          0
                    Total                                    6            6           6            6          6
           Grand Total                                   12,464       13,113      13,790       14,600     14,137
          Source: Kenya Master Health Facility List, Ministry of Health
          Table below shows the number of hospital beds and cots by ownership, from 2017 to 2021. The number of hospital beds increased
          by 10.1 per cent to 90,417 while the number of hospital cots increased by 9.2 per cent to 9,766 in 2021. The number of hospital
          beds in public facilities rose from 37,069 in 2020 to 38,132 in 2021 while hospital beds in private hospitals have been increasing
          steadily over the past five years rising to 36,817 in 2021.

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